AMLO redefines his communication strategy
- Make it clear that not against employers, but ill-gotten wealth of the corrrupcion and the influential
We all remember the negative campaign of 2006 where the country's most powerful businessmen engaged in radio and television spots saying that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador "a danger to Mexico." However, electoral reform recently made money from business leaders can no longer make that kind of campaign. I think a hit this part of the reform. There should be money itself that influences the decision of the vote, as business leaders organized the country, which is a minority, is in clear economic advantage compared to the vast majority of Mexicans, most likely thinking different, but we do not have the financial resources to campaign in mass media. This same elite and the political leadership against Obrador have launched many myths regarding his proposed government. Some of them are that Andres Manuel wants to establish a communist regime, which is to nationalize companies such as Hugo Chavez is doing in Venezuela and that would become a dictator, among others, when in fact it raises is a republican, democratic and popular goverment.
In 2006 a major failures in the presidential campaign of Obrador, in addition to the lack of a solid electoral structure in the north of te country was undoubtedly the management of political communication that would allow the voters really say clearly what it is, what think, what the government intends to do, and obviously hold meetings, dialogue and agreements with business groups and politicians in this country. In an effort to mend their positions for 2012 Andrés Manuel put together a movement called MORENA, national regeneration movement, in clear reference to the Black Virgin of Tepeyac, in a country where the vast majority of Mexicans are Guadalupe, through the radio and television ads that sponsor the Labor Party and Convergence makes clear who is Catholic, which is not against the business or the rich, but if it is against ill-gotten wealth, the influential, corruption and monopolies, that is in favor of the creation of businesses that create jobs. Not that AMLO has changed his way of thinking has always had the same ideas, what happened is that in 2006 failed to report properly.
Be clear about these positions has earned the former head of the Federal District government support of millions of citizens in the country, grouped into MORENA, most of them do not belong to any political party, are clearly civil society. In fact, on October 2 this movement as a Civil Association was formed in the National Auditorium in Mexico City. But also, and this is very important to emphasize, has earned the support of small and medium entrepreneurs organized the country, which is very important if we consider that the vast majority of businesses in Mexico, which generate most of the jobs are small and medium enterprises, many of these businesses are affected by the monopolistic practices of big business. In November, the PRD will make a national survey to define their candidate for President of the Republic. It is a fact that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will be the best positioned in this survey and will be the candidate of the left to the presidency of the Republic in 2012.
In 2006 a major failures in the presidential campaign of Obrador, in addition to the lack of a solid electoral structure in the north of te country was undoubtedly the management of political communication that would allow the voters really say clearly what it is, what think, what the government intends to do, and obviously hold meetings, dialogue and agreements with business groups and politicians in this country. In an effort to mend their positions for 2012 Andrés Manuel put together a movement called MORENA, national regeneration movement, in clear reference to the Black Virgin of Tepeyac, in a country where the vast majority of Mexicans are Guadalupe, through the radio and television ads that sponsor the Labor Party and Convergence makes clear who is Catholic, which is not against the business or the rich, but if it is against ill-gotten wealth, the influential, corruption and monopolies, that is in favor of the creation of businesses that create jobs. Not that AMLO has changed his way of thinking has always had the same ideas, what happened is that in 2006 failed to report properly.
Be clear about these positions has earned the former head of the Federal District government support of millions of citizens in the country, grouped into MORENA, most of them do not belong to any political party, are clearly civil society. In fact, on October 2 this movement as a Civil Association was formed in the National Auditorium in Mexico City. But also, and this is very important to emphasize, has earned the support of small and medium entrepreneurs organized the country, which is very important if we consider that the vast majority of businesses in Mexico, which generate most of the jobs are small and medium enterprises, many of these businesses are affected by the monopolistic practices of big business. In November, the PRD will make a national survey to define their candidate for President of the Republic. It is a fact that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will be the best positioned in this survey and will be the candidate of the left to the presidency of the Republic in 2012.
Sr, Vazquez y toda audiencia que lea estas lineas: es mi pensar y opinion, que al margen del partido politico que sea, o del la doctrina o filiacion del tipo que sea, en Mexico la incuantificable corrupcion no permite el avanze cultural (educacion), economico, legislatico. o enforzamiento de leyes. Aca en USA, dia tras dia, vemos barbaries de todo tipo. En esta ocasion, quisa de manera caprichosa, se me ocurre mencionar la precandidatura del Sr AMLO, quien en su fallido intento pasado del 2006, probo contundentemente su pobre nivel intelectual y su falta de consideracion a la cuidadania de la cuidad de Mexico cuando su partido y seguidores mantubieron por largo periodos de tiempo en continua transgresion de leyes basicas como es el derecho a la libre circulacion de los ciudadanos. Ahora el Sr AMLO esta intentandolo otra ves, y estoy seguro que otra vez hara de las suyas con sus burdas afirmaciones, y posicionamientos ridiculos y otra vez causando inconveniencias a los cuidadanos de la cd. de Mexico y otras.
Steve Rios
Mr. Steve Rios,I apreciate so much your comments. Thanks for reading my blog. Happy new year 2012.
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