By preventing the delivery of permits to indigenous and community radios transgresses freedom of expression and information.
With obstruction of the Secretary of the Interior to hundreds of applications for permits to operate indigenous and community radio stations, violates fundamental human rights of Mexicans such as freedom of expression and information. OC-5/585 In Advisory Opinion of November 13, 1985, the Court of Human Rights established the two basic aspects of the right to freedom of expression and information: the individual aspect and the social aspect.
3.1 In its individual dimension, freedom of expression is not limited to the theoretical recognition of the right to speak or write, but also includes, inseparably, the right to use any appropriate means to disseminate thought and allow it to reach the greatest number of recipients .
When the Convention proclaims that freedom of thought and expression includes the right to impart information and ideas "for any ... process," stressing that the expression and dissemination of ideas and information are indivisible, so that a restriction of the possibilities of dissemination represents directly, and to the same extent, limit the right of free speech ...
3.2 In its social dimension, freedom of expression is a medium for exchange of ideas and information and mass communication among human beings. And includes the right of everyone to try to communicate to others their own points of view also implies the right to receive opinions and news. For the average citizen is as important to know the opinions of others or other information available to the right to impart their own.
According to Senator Carlos Sotelo García, president of the Radio and Television Commission of the Senate, the SEGOB has kidnapped several requests records that have accumulated in recent years that there is a federal government policy to deny permits to indigenous and community radio stations and instead go to tender if new frequencies for commercial radio concessions, thus reinforcing the concentration of media that has done so much damage to the media in Mexico. Although the federal agency does not resolve the licensing, the Ministry of Communications and Transport is conducting operations throughout the country against unauthorized operating radios are making the requisition of equipment, in some cases with allegations serious criminal nature.
3.1 In its individual dimension, freedom of expression is not limited to the theoretical recognition of the right to speak or write, but also includes, inseparably, the right to use any appropriate means to disseminate thought and allow it to reach the greatest number of recipients .
When the Convention proclaims that freedom of thought and expression includes the right to impart information and ideas "for any ... process," stressing that the expression and dissemination of ideas and information are indivisible, so that a restriction of the possibilities of dissemination represents directly, and to the same extent, limit the right of free speech ...
3.2 In its social dimension, freedom of expression is a medium for exchange of ideas and information and mass communication among human beings. And includes the right of everyone to try to communicate to others their own points of view also implies the right to receive opinions and news. For the average citizen is as important to know the opinions of others or other information available to the right to impart their own.
According to Senator Carlos Sotelo García, president of the Radio and Television Commission of the Senate, the SEGOB has kidnapped several requests records that have accumulated in recent years that there is a federal government policy to deny permits to indigenous and community radio stations and instead go to tender if new frequencies for commercial radio concessions, thus reinforcing the concentration of media that has done so much damage to the media in Mexico. Although the federal agency does not resolve the licensing, the Ministry of Communications and Transport is conducting operations throughout the country against unauthorized operating radios are making the requisition of equipment, in some cases with allegations serious criminal nature.